Openvld mintt

OpenVLD visits Mintt - "Technology prevents unfortunate falls."

08 Jun 2023

Alexia Bertrand, Carla Dejonghe, Khadija Zamouri, Stefan Cornelis & Melanie Verroken visited us. Mintt is a Brussels-based company that develops technology in the field of fall prevention.

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Mintt's technology is based on a 3D sensor system. They first developed this system in 2015. The system has a dual function: it detects fall incidents and sends an alarm signal, allowing immediate assistance to be provided. Additionally, the technology can ensure the autonomy of seniors through an advanced electronic fall prevention system.

Preventing or quickly detecting fall incidents also means savings for social security and healthcare, which can benefit from every penny saved. "With our technology, we can actually save money. However, making the technology available to everyone requires an investment. Financial support is needed," says Eric Krzeslo, CEO of Mintt.

The experience and testimonials of healthcare personnel show that this approach can also help less mobile individuals regain confidence in moving independently.

State Secretary Alexia Bertrand explains: "Mobility is not always limited by physical challenges but also by a lack of self-confidence or fear of the consequences of a fall. New technology, such as Mintt's, can be a tool to prevent falls. Moreover, when an incident does occur, the software can quickly and automatically call for the necessary help."

Mintt has about 30 employees. The company experienced significant growth in 2018-2019. The biggest challenge was the COVID-19 period, as it proved very difficult to establish contacts with care homes. Nevertheless, Mintt achieved success by collaborating with hospitals such as Saint-Luc and Erasme, as well as various care homes. Mintt primarily offers its services within the public sector through a subscription model. Their ultimate goal is to expand their reach so that it can also be used at home.

The company also works preventively by analyzing data to identify potential risks. This allows the staff to anticipate better. They learn from the data and can thus prevent fall incidents. Mintt's technology also includes a mobile app that caregivers can use to monitor the status of each room, including anonymous statistics and information about previous incidents. It provides an overview of the situation and enables quick and informed decision-making.

Eric Krzeslo emphasizes once again: "Seniors have the right to autonomy, and with the risk of falling, it is our duty to intervene immediately and reduce the risk." The use of technology at home is a challenge for the future. For example, Mintt is addressing questions such as who should receive the alarm notifications. With the help of insurers, among others, they are working hard to find solutions.

It is clear that innovation and technology can improve healthcare, enhance quality of life, and reduce costs. Companies like Mintt, along with other companies in the healthtech industry, are true entrepreneurs in the field of well-being. Authentic entrepreneurship is also needed here. "This is an example of a win-win situation. Therefore, it is worth considering the financing of these technologies and questioning whether this should still be 100% borne by healthcare institutions alone," concludes Khadija Zamouri. She has repeatedly called for attention to the use of these technologies in the Brussels Parliament.

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